Alternative to Mushroom Duxelle in Beef Wellington

As we all know, beef wellington is a delicious dish that consists of beef, mushrooms, and a few other ingredients.

  • But what if you're one of the many people around the world who are allergic to mushrooms?
  • What if you just don't like mushrooms?
  • Does that mean you have to miss out on this amazing dish?

I say NO!

Beef Wellington Mushroom Substitute

So, what's the best substitute for mushrooms in beef wellington?

The best substitute for mushrooms in beef wellington is shallots. Shallots are a little bit bigger than green onions, but smaller than onions and garlic. They have thin, brown skin and white flesh that tastes a little like onion or garlic.

You shouldn't have to miss out on anything because of food allergies or preferences.

That's why I've done my research and found quite a few different substitutes for mushrooms in beef wellington.

So put on your oven mitts and let's get started!

10 Beef Wellington Mushroom Substitutes

Most people think that mushrooms are the only substitute for meat when you want to make a vegan or vegetarian version of beef wellington, but there are actually many other options.

The best substitutes for mushrooms in beef wellington can be found at any grocery store and prepared at home, with no special equipment needed.

Some of the best substitutes for mushrooms in beef wellington are:

1. Shallots


Shallots are fresh tasting, crunchy, and add a lot of flavor to whatever dish you use them in.

You can substitute shallots for the mushrooms in beef wellington without changing any of the other ingredients or the recipe itself—you'll just have to cut them up into smaller pieces than you would if you were using mushrooms.

If you'd like to try out this substitution, here are some tips:

  • Give the shallots time to cook down so they won't be as crunchy. The longer you leave them cooking, the less crunchy they will be.
  • If you don't have time to cook them before adding them to the beef wellington, you can use canned shallots instead of fresh ones.
  • Using canned shallots instead of fresh ones will save you from having to cut up your own shallots, which can be tedious and time-consuming. In addition to being convenient, canned shallots are also cheaper than fresh ones.

2. Artichoke hearts


Artichoke hearts are an earthy, bitter, nutty, and hearty alternative that'll make your beef wellington pop like never before.

You can use it in the same way you would use mushrooms: just cook them down in a pan with onions and garlic, or roast them with olive oil and herbs. Then fold them into the filling of your beef wellington—they'll add a punchy, savory flavor to every bite.

And that's not all artichokes have to offer.

Did you know they may help regulate blood pressure(source)?

And may improve liver health(source)?

And may improve digestive health(source)?

I've always loved artichokes for their bold flavor, but knowing how good they are for my body is even better.

3. Peppers


Whether you want something sweet, smoky, or spicy, peppers are a delicious ingredient that will make your dish pop.

The best part is that they benefit your health. They're full of vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber(source).

You can use any kind of peppers you'd like. The easiest way is to chop the peppers up and mix them in with the meat before wrapping it in pastry. But if you want to get fancy, you could slice them thin and lay them out on top of the meat as you wrap it up.

Totally up to you! I'm sure whatever you choose will be delicious.

So now that you know how to do it, go ahead and give it a try!

Why not make beef wellington this weekend?

4. Peas

Green peas

Green peas are the perfect substitute because they'll still add texture and flavor while giving you the added benefit of vitamins C and E, which are antioxidants that strengthen your immune system(source).

You can add them before or after cooking the meat and veggies—the choice is up to you!

5. Spinach


Spinach is dark-green, leafy, and mellow.

It's easy to cook and it's also healthy.

It reduces blood sugar, aids in good bone health, and keeps your body relaxed(source).

These factors make spinach the ideal substitute for mushrooms in beef wellington.

To use spinach as a substitute, follow these steps:

  1. Cook the spinach in olive oil with chopped garlic until the leaves are wilted.
  2. Strain the cooked spinach to remove excess moisture and set it aside to cool.
  3. Spoon the cooked spinach into your beef wellington recipe where you would have added mushrooms, and voila!

You've got yourself a delicious beef wellington that's healthier than ever before!

6. Carrots


I've had a lot of success substituting carrots or sweet potato in place of mushrooms.

Carrots are great because they're sweet, crunchy, and have a vegetal flavor that pairs really nicely with the beef.

I like to peel and slice them into thin ribbons, then grill them until they're slightly charred. This gives them a smoky flavor and creates some great texture.

As you know, carrots are a rich source of dietary carotenoids—those little guys may support cholesterol balance and heart health—and they also play an important role in gut health(source).

7. Green beans

Green Beans

Green beans are a great choice for beef wellington because they're fresh, crisp, and vegetal—all qualities that go really nicely with the meat and pastry.

And to boot, they're also high in vitamin K, which is important for blood clotting and bone health.

They also contain a decent amount of calcium, which is important for muscle and nerve functioning, as well as B vitamins, which are important for metabolism.

So when you're cooking up your beef wellington and it comes time to add in your mushroom substitute, just add in some chopped green beans instead!

I guarantee they'll work beautifully with the other ingredients you've already got going on in there.

8. Arugula


The reason arugula makes such a good substitute is because of its peppery and tangy flavor, which helps to offset the rich meatiness of the beef wellington.

You can use it right after cooking as a garnish or add it in with the other ingredients before wrapping it up in pastry.

Either way, you'll have a dish that looks and tastes incredible!

The best part?

Arugula is packed with potassium (vital for heart and nerve function), vitamin C (an antioxidant that helps to support the immune system), and vitamin K (helps with blood coagulation)(source)!

So not only does arugula taste great on top of your beef wellington, but it's also really good for you!

9. Kale


You might be asking yourself, "Kale? Really?

Can it really be used as a substitute for mushrooms?"

The answer is yes.

It has an earthy flavor with a hint of bitterness (similar to spinach).

But how do you use this substitute?

Well, that's easy!

Just sauté the kale in some butter until soft and add it to the filling mixture.

It'll make your beef wellington taste great!

And the best part is that kale is high in vitamin C and may support eye health(source).

It also contains vitamin E and beta-carotene(source). So it's good for you too!

10. Eggplant: Earthy and Rich (similar to Mushrooms)


Why eggplant?

Well, it's got that earthy-rich flavor (similar to mushrooms), plus some great nutritional benefits.

It's high in antioxidants, which help protect your cells(source), and has lots of fiber.

To use eggplant as a substitute for mushrooms in your wellington, simply cut the eggplant into thin slices, and saute them in a little bit of olive oil until they're lightly browned.

Then follow the rest of your recipe for beef wellington.


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